Unresponsive Hover Effect on iPad

I've implemented a hover effect on the menu for my one-page website. When a user hovers over a navigation link on desktop, the color changes to #ed1c28.

.nf-navbar .navbar-collapse a:hover {
   color: #ed1c28;

Additionally, when a user clicks on a navigation link, the page scrolls down to that section.

$("html, body").animate({
    scrollTop: ($(winHash).offset().top) + "px"
 }, {
    duration: 1000

Everything works fine on desktop, but on iPad, after clicking a nav link, the hover effect stays activated and the color remains #ed1c28 even after the scroll. How can I disable this hover effect on touch devices?

Answer №1

If you want to make a link active, consider using the following CSS code snippet:

.nf-navbar .navbar-collapse a:active {
   text-decoration: underline;

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