Creating a dynamic page footer for a PDF document using Rotativa's content generation capabilities

As I work on generating a PDF, my employer has requested that I add a footer to each page of the document. Currently, the PDF is being created using Rotativa, where an HTML page is converted into a PDF.

However, I am facing a challenge in determining the best way to achieve this. I have considered various options, including plain CSS code, but none of them seem to be working effectively for me. This is particularly true because the number of pages in the PDF can vary - it could be just one page or as many as ten pages, depending on the content that needs to be included.

Therefore, the footer needs to adapt and be responsive to the number of pages generated.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how I can accomplish this task, I would greatly appreciate it. I am eager to resolve this issue, but I am currently at a loss for how to proceed.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards, Lorenzo Otto

Answer №1

If I understand correctly, you can use an HTML page as a footer to show the page number and total number of pages using some javascript. I have implemented this method in several web applications that generate PDF files with dynamic content.

Let's say we create a file called Footer.html for the PDF footer, here is an example HTML file with javascript code to display page numbers:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        function subst() {
            // JavaScript code

<body onload="subst()">
    <div style="font-family: Helvetica; font-size:0.75rem; text-align: right; width:100%;">
        <span class="page"></span> / <span class="topage"></span>


*Feel free to customize the style of the footer div according to your design preferences.

If your footer HTML page (named Footer.html) is located in the Shared folder within the Views folder, you can prepare custom switches before calling Rotativa like this:

string customSwitches = "--footer-html " + Server.MapPath("~/Views/Shared/Footer.html");

When generating a PDF based on a View named MyPdfView.cshtml in an MVC action, you can utilize ViewAsPdf and pass your custom switches like so:

return new ViewAsPdf("MyPdfView")
    FileName = "MyPdfView.pdf",
    CustomSwitches = customSwitches

That's all! Let me know if this solution works for you.

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