Unresponsive CSS styles on a specific DIV element

Here is the HTML code I am currently working with:

        <section id="info">
            <div class="status">


I have been attempting to apply styles to the div with a class of 'status' using my CSS file linked to the HTML document. The selector line in question looks like this:

body section#info > div.status { ... }

Despite not utilizing any CSS3 properties, none of the styles are being applied to the element. However, I have found success styling an inner element by utilizing the direct child selector ">". In order to achieve this, I simply duplicated the previous line and completed the path to the desired element.

Any insights into why the styles aren't applying would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Have you considered utilizing


Your method appears to be effective as well.

Answer №2

Your CSS file is experiencing an issue with line 21 not being properly closed, causing a break in the file beyond that point. As a result, anything past line 21 is being disregarded.

div.map > .countries > #country

The correct syntax should be:

div.map > .countries > #country {}

(You can try leaving the declaration empty for now to see if it resolves the problem)

Answer №3

To style a

div.status { ... }
, it is recommended to keep the code simple and concise. Avoid adding unnecessary specificity like
section#info div.status { ... }
unless absolutely necessary. Over-complicating the code could introduce syntax errors, potentially causing issues with your design. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please provide a sample of your work for further analysis to determine the root cause of the problem.

Answer №4

Make sure to properly embed your CSS in the HTML!

body section#content > div.box { color: red; }

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The issue might be with how you're including the CSS file!

Ensure it's within the style tags in the head element:

        body section#content > div.box { color: red; }

If it's a separate CSS file, verify that the path is correct:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

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