Unnecessary additional spacing caused by inline blocks in Firefox

On my webpage, I have organized my div elements using inline-block properties. Strangely, Firefox is adding extra spacing between two specific divs, while Safari and Chrome display the design consistently.

Check out this example here.

#main {
    display: block;
#sub11, #sub12, #sub21, #sub22,  #sub31, #sub32 {
    display: inline-block;

In Firefox, there seems to be excessive space between the "GHI" and "TRY" rows, while the "ABC" and "GHI" rows are consistent with the others following "TRY".

Answer №1

Here's the solution:

 display: inline-block;

If you want to display spaces, you need to add a float so they can be positioned next to each other.

Try adding:


to your #sub11, and so on.

Answer №2

After encountering this question repeatedly, I discovered a comprehensive article on fixing the issue of space between inline-block elements on css-tricks. Originally designed for creating space between paragraphs, display: inline-block is now commonly used to align objects inline. The suggested solution involves adding a -4px margin-left in your CSS code, although it may be considered a bit unconventional.

#sub11, #sub12, #sub21, #sub22 {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 0;
    margin-left: -4px;

Answer №3

When using inline-block, it's important to remember that white space between elements will be respected. One simple workaround is to add comment tags between your in-line elements.

Check out this example on jsFiddle

<div id="main">
    <div id="sub1">
        <div id="sub11">
        --><div id="sub12">
   <div id="sub2">
        <div id="sub21">
        --><div id="sub22">


Answer №4

For addressing a specific row, I implemented this CSS fix:

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    #myRowID {margin-top:-5px;}

This resolved the peculiar problem I was encountering.

Answer №5

Everything is functioning as expected in this case. When using elements with the display property set to inline-block, they are meant to align with the text flow, so any spaces in your code will be reflected in the output.

To address this issue, you can either comment out the white space in your code or completely remove it, similar to the following example.

Another solution would be to change the display properties to block and apply float instead.

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