Unleash the power of WordPress Revolution Slider captions with exclusive CSS styling

Struggling with adding custom captions? I'm using a Multisite WordPress setup and trying to avoid editing the captions.css file in the plugins folder. Here's what I attempted:

.rev_slider .tp-caption .my_head{
            position: absolute; 
            color: #4C9141; 
            text-shadow: none; 
            font-weight: 700; 
            font-size: 20px; 
            line-height: 20px; 
            font-family: Arial; 
            margin: 0px; 
            border-width: 0px; 
            border-style: none; 
            text-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);        

I tried inserting it into custom css via the Theme - no luck. Then attempted in the style.css - still didn't work. Next, clicked on the EDIT CSS button in wp-admin, inserted the code starting with .tp-caption.my_head{, hit Update - nothing happened, and the file wasn't updated.

Am I missing something simple or is everything completely off? Appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Answer №1

I was able to solve the issue by doing the following:

To make changes in the Child-Theme's styles.css, simply add the following code:

#sections .rev_slider .tp-caption.large_text 
    font-family: @fancyFont; 
    font-size: 35px; 
    color: #4C9141; 
    text-shadow: none;

While I couldn't add new styles, I managed to modify some existing ones.

Answer №2

Within Revolution Slider (my version is 1.2.8), you will find a designated area for static CSS where a file named "static.css" is created.

This file includes styles that take precedence over all others, allowing you to easily insert your code within it.

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