How can I connect the box using the Interactive Picture jQuery tool?

When using the Interactive picture jQuery, I have the following code snippet within my document:

    $( "#iPicture6" ).iPicture({
        animation: true,
        animationBg: "bgblack",
        animationType: "ltr-slide",
        pictures: ["picture1","picture2","picture3","picture4","picture5"],
        button: "moreblack",
        moreInfos: {"picture1":[{"id":"tooltip1","descr":"Looking at Stars", "top":"200px","left":"103px"},{"id":"tooltip2","descr":"sofa: 199$","top":"346px","left":"483px"},{"id":"tooltip3","descr":"silver candle: 2.99$","top":"461px","left":"556px"}],

My question is regarding how to hyperlink each button/box that is being displayed with this functionality.

Any assistance or tips on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by following the example below:

additionalDetails: {
  "image1": [
      "info":"<a href=''>product: $199</a>",
    // Keep adding more entries here....

By implementing this code, you can include a link within the description of your button or box.

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