Unique fluid layout with varied behavior

I am on the hunt for a layout that caught my eye some time ago, but unfortunately I forgot to save it. It featured 3 main columns that cleverly transformed into 2 when resized, causing the 3rd column to shift to the row below. It wasn't your typical layout adjustment with overflow.

As it resized, all 3 columns maintained the same width until they reached a certain threshold, at which point each one occupied 33% of the width while increasing in height. The only noticeable change was in the text size. Then, during further resizing, one column would drop down to the next row, allowing the 2 remaining columns to expand and fill up the entire width (50% each) while the dropped column took up the full 100% width of its new row. Despite extensive Googling, I couldn't pinpoint the exact terms due to not being a native English speaker. I distinctly remember that the layout worked flawlessly in the demo using only CSS and HTML.

EDIT: The container holding the 3 columns maintained the same width throughout the resizing process.

Answer №1

Using media queries could be the solution you're looking for. By specifying different styles based on the width of the browser window, you can achieve the desired effects.

For example, if you want to target devices wider than 900px, you can use:

@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {
  .class {
    background: #666;

For more information on media queries, check out this resource.

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