How to achieve a seamless iframe effect using CSS

With the introduction of new HTML5 iframe attributes, there are now more options available. One such attribute is the seamless attribute, which has the ability to:

Create an iframe that appears to be seamlessly integrated into the containing document.

<iframe src="demo_iframe.htm" seamless></iframe>

Unfortunately, no browsers currently support this feature. Is there a way to achieve the same 'seamless' effect using CSS instead?

If CSS is not a viable option, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for alternatives to the iframe tag. Perhaps something involving JavaScript or jQuery (PHP is not an option for me at the moment).

Answer №1

This code has proven to be very effective in my previous projects, I hope you find it useful as well!

<iframe frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" src="" width="800" height="1000" seamless></iframe>

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