Unexpected line break in screen element without explanation

I am currently developing a mobile web application. On the top of the page, I have designed a single line which includes a "Back" link on the left side and the page name on the right. However, instead of displaying the elements as intended, the back link appears above the page name, when it should be below. Here is the code I have been working with, but I am struggling to identify how to correct this issue.

<a style="text-decoration:none" href="resultsMap.html?radius=0&latitude=37.33&longitude=-121.85&j=true">Back</a>
<p id="name"> PageName </p>

Answer №1

the reason for this issue is due to the use of paragraph tags:

<p id="name"> PageName </p>

consider using <div> instead and adjusting its formatting to suit your needs

check out this example on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/UQFSw/1/

Answer №2

When it comes to HTML elements, paragraphs (<p>) are considered block-level elements. This means that they fill the entire width of the browser window. In contrast, in-line elements like <a> only take up as much space as necessary within the text-flow.

To put it simply, a paragraph always starts on a new line, while an anchor remains within the current line.

If you want the page name to appear directly to the right of the link, you can use the following code:

<a ...>Back</a>
<span id="name"> PageName </span>

It's important to note that the <span> element is also an in-line element.

Answer №3

The reason for this behavior is that links are considered to be inline elements, while paragraphs are treated as block elements.

For more information on the difference between Block-Level and Inline Elements, visit this link.

Inline elements behave like part of the text they are contained in, flowing with the surrounding content. On the other hand, block elements create a designated section that takes up its own space.

If you prefer using a generic inline element instead of a div, consider using a span.

Here's an alternative approach:

<div style="border-bottom:1px solid black;">
    <a style="text-decoration:none" href="resultsMap.html?radius=0&latitude=37.33&longitude=-121.85&j=true">Back</a>
    <span style="float:right;">Page Name</span>

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