Unable to toggle class feature

I have a trio of play buttons for a custom player setup, displayed like so:

  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs1" onclick="play(309689093)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>
  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs2" onclick="play(316017522)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>
  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs3" onclick="play(315363199)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>

My goal is to achieve the following actions when any of them are clicked:

  1. Remove the active class (identified by fa-pause) from all buttons
  2. Toggle the fa-pause class on the clicked div

This is how I tried to accomplish it:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.fa-play').click(function () {

Although it works as intended, there seems to be an issue with the toggle function. It behaves more like an addClass rather than toggling the class off if the same div is clicked again.

You can see the behavior more clearly in this JSFiddle.

Additionally, is there a way to achieve this without relying on a framework?

Answer №1

Try adding .not(this) to prevent removing and toggling the same class back on the element being clicked.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.fa-play').click(function () {

function play () {}; //This is just a placeholder to avoid errors since the full code is not available
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" />

  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs1" onclick="play(309689093)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>
  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs2" onclick="play(316017522)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>
  <div class="gs-player">
    <div id="gs3" onclick="play(315363199)" class="fa fa-3x fa-play"></div>

Answer №2

Avoid manually removing the 'fa-pause' class from $('.fa-pause'), use toggle instead:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.fa-play').click(function () {

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