Loading an animated SVG sprite file in real-time

Recently, I received an SVG sprite file from our designers to use in my app. The specified convention is to load the sprite at the top of the <body> element and then render icons using a specific code snippet:

<svg class="u-icon-gear-dims">
    <use xlink:href="#gear"></use>

Although this method works when I inline the SVG sprite directly into my template.html file, it makes the HTML file messy and raises concerns about maintainability.

Currently, I am referencing individual SVGs to render icons, but this approach causes performance issues as there is sometimes a noticeable delay before the icon loads.

I came across a discussion on Stack Overflow about loading an SVG sprite externally, but unfortunately, a satisfactory solution was not provided.

For context, our app uses webpack, and I am currently exploring ways to dynamically load the SVG sprite into a template HTML file.

Is there a way to dynamically load an SVG sprite from a separate file within an HTML document?

Answer №1

If you're working with PHP, there are ways to incorporate SVG markup directly through backend scripting languages. Check out this resource for more information!

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