Struggling with the @font-face
code and unable to get my font file recognized.
I've attempted various path changes, created new folders, renamed existing ones, even moved the font file to the root directory, but no luck.
Testing in both Firefox and Chrome.
Here are the different CSS codes I've tried:
{various src paths}
Can anyone pinpoint where the font file should go or suggest changes to the CSS to make it work?
(I've already checked similar questions online and tried resources like this website without success.)
Thank you!
UPDATE: Following bozdoz's recommendation didn't solve the issue. Used FontSquirrel to obtain the fonts. CSS looks like this:
@font-face {
font-family: 'lane';
{src paths for different font formats}
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
h1{ font-size: 110px;
font-family: 'lane', georgia, serif;
color: #000000;
The name 'lane' is just used because of bozdoz mentioning it.
All font files can be found here:
They are named as follows:
univers-webfont.eot, univers-webfont.woof, univers-webfont.ttf, univers-webfont.svg