Unable to implement a design on a button during its click event

I successfully implemented a dynamic button in HTML5 and Javascript. The button has a click event assigned to it, so when clicked, its content and background color are supposed to change. However, while the content changes correctly, the background color does not.

Here is my code:

.selectBtn{ height:60px;width:80px;background-color:yellow; }
var container = document.getElementById('abc');
function dx(){
var Btn = document.createElement('button');
Btn.type = 'button';
Btn.className = 'selectBtn';
Btn.innerHTML = 'SUBMIT';
Btn.onclick = function()
<body><div id='abc'></div></body>

Answer №1

Instead of using the word colon, try replacing it with the symbol =. Here is an example:

document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#f47121";

Answer №2

It will be necessary to make some adjustments

var section = document.getElementById('abc');
function dx(){
   var Button = document.createElement('button');
   Button.className = 'chooseButton';
   Button.innerHTML = 'SUBMIT';
   Button.onclick = function() {
      this.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';

I'm uncertain if Btn.type = 'button'; is correct, but it seems unnecessary and in the style modification, change : to =; you only utilize : in objects

Additionally, consider using textContent instead of innerHTML

Answer №3

I couldn't resist the urge to share my take on this just for fun and educational purposes.

window.onload = function(){

        var doc = document; 
        var get = function(id){return doc.getElementById(id);};
        var inject = function(el,str){el.innerHTML = str;return el;};

        inject(get('content'),'<button type="button" id="btn-select">SUBMIT</button>');
        get('btn-select').onclick = function(){inject(this,'Voted!').className = 'voted';};


DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/ZNfBe/

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