Unable to hide the mobile menu button

I am currently working on a fun website project . I am facing an issue with the mobile menu button not disappearing using display:none in Safari on my iPhone when in landscape mode, even though it works fine in Chrome. My goal is to make the #menu-button visible when the device screen size is under 500px and hide it when it goes above 500px. The menu button is inserted via jQuery with the id of #menu-button. Checking the css_tablet.css source in dev tools will show you that I have set #menu-button to display:none. Any advice on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.

$("#menu").addClass("js").before('<div id="menu-button"><img src="third_logo.png" alt="menu"></div>');

Answer №1

Here is the CSS code to address the issue -

@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {

    #menu-button {
        display: none;
        display: block !important;  // Ensure '!important' is used as inline style might be added by JavaScript on the menu (display block/none)

The provided CSS will fix the problem with hiding the button and also resolve the issues discussed in previous comments.

To gain a better understanding of Media Queries for various devices, check out this article - https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/media-queries-for-standard-devices/

Answer №2

All the CSS rules in your "css_tablet.css" file are enclosed within a media query that targets screens with a minimum width of 500px.

@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
  #menu-button {
    display: none;
  ... more CSS ...

Considering that the portrait view widths for an iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6+ are 320px, 375px, and 414px respectively, these devices do not meet the criteria set by the media query in your stylesheet, meaning they do not apply the styles defined in "css_tablet.css".

In essence, the issue is not specific to phones or tablets.

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