Having issues with Firefox rendering JavaScript and CSS correctly

I'm trying to figure out if it's the row class from Bootstrap that's causing issues, or if there's a problem with my JS/CSS not loading properly in Firefox. It seems to be working fine in Chrome and Safari. Any ideas on what could be going wrong?

Answer №1

Consider providing a specific width for the li elements containing the doors.

ul.enlarge li{

display: inline-block; margin: 5px 10px 0; position: relative; width: 40px; z-index: 0; }

Answer №2

Hey there, at line 122 in style.css, the code reads:

.portfolio-images img {
    width: 300px;

Do you know why that's included? It seems to be causing some issues in Firefox when removed.

EDIT: I figured it out - changing it to width:100% resolves the problem in Firefox.

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