Unable to get 100% height to work properly in HTML5 ASP.net because of the DOCTYPE

I'm currently working on creating an Asp.net website with a unique single-page portfolio style for the homepage. Each project or section should be 100% height of the viewport, stacked underneath each other to make use of anchor tags. However, I'm encountering issues with my CSS when using the <div> tag and it's causing some functionality problems. How can I resolve this issue?

I've attempted the following:

/* in CSS*/
html, body{

I've also added the height=100% attribute to all parent <div> elements related to the sections intended to be 100% height, but unfortunately, I still haven't been successful. I feel like I've tried everything possible and am feeling stuck at this point! Unfortunately, I can't share the full code as it's too lengthy and I'm on a different computer from where the code is located.

Answer №1

I believe I grasp the essence of your query, but there is still some uncertainty on my part regarding the involvement of the DOCTYPE, anchors, or ASP.NET in this scenario.

Take a look at this demonstration showcasing a complete webpage layout with several full-screen child divs.

body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

body {
  overflow: auto;

div {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

It's important to be aware that using percentage heights can lead to complications, so it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you are implementing.

Furthermore, note that this page is utilizing Normalize.css to address browser inconsistencies.

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