Turn off the ability to view the content of .css and .js files within the browser

Earlier, I inquired about how to disable file and folder listing and discovered that it can be achieved using a file named .htaccess. To disable folder listing, I entered Options -Indexes in the .htaccess file located in the parent folder. Additionally, to prevent the display of file content in the browser, I utilized Deny from all.

While the above method worked effectively, I encountered an issue when I placed the .htaccess file in the css or js folder to block the display of files content. This action not only prevented the display of files but also disrupted their functionality (.css and .js).

Is there a solution that allows for the functional aspect of files while still disabling their display in the browser?

Thank you

Answer №1

Absolutely not.

Disabling directory listings is essential for security reasons as they provide a potential gateway to sensitive information.

However, it is necessary to allow the browser to access CSS and JS files in order for websites to function properly. Keep in mind that whatever the browser can see, so can the user.

Answer №2

Disabling the display of files is an option, however, ensuring their protection is not feasible as they play a crucial role in loading your website's style and functions...

Answer №3

Consider exploring methods like minifying and obfuscating to protect your code.

Minifying can make your files more difficult to decipher, while obfuscating can fully encode your files (I have only personally tried this with JS so far). Remember to always keep a backup of your original files, because once encrypted, there is no turning back.

For those interested in obfuscating JS files, here is a resource:

Obfuscate JS

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