Prevent improper text wrapping of certain words in RTL languages like Farsi and Arabic

In languages like Farsi and Arabic, as well as other RTL languages, letters are connected to each other (e.g. سیب), but not always (e.g. می شود). This can sometimes cause issues with the flow of text when half a word wraps over to the next line due to whitespace.

While I don't want to disable the wrapping style of the paragraph entirely, I realize that this behavior is incorrect. In Microsoft Word, this problem is solved by using ctrl+shift+space. This creates a different type of white space between letters that prevents wrapping. How could I achieve something similar using HTML and CSS?

Take a look at this jsFiddle example for reference:

Answer №1

If you are in search of a non-breaking space character, you can find one by using ctrl+shift+space in MS Word. In HTML, you can insert a non-breaking space character with   instead of the typical white-space. For more information, check out this JSFiddler example:

Answer №2

I cannot say for certain without having an actual Arabic webpage to experiment with, but applying CSS word-wrap: normal to the li elements could potentially solve the issue.

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