Troubleshooting Owl Carousel's width problems upon initial loading

Currently, I am utilizing the Owl Carousel and have the following script:

  items : 3

My intention is for the container to display 3 images. However, upon initial load, this is what appears:

Oddly enough, when I resize the browser ever so slightly, the image sizes adjust to the desired setting:

It seems the issue lies with how the images are displayed initially in the browser. Could it possibly be related to the size of my browser window?

Answer №1

After careful analysis, I managed to resolve this issue by accurately measuring the width of the owl-stage container in a functional state. Utilizing this information, I adjusted the values in the styles section as follows:

#photo-gallery .owl-stage {
  min-width: 10317px;

Additionally, I made modifications to my JavaScript code to ensure proper functionality:

        center: true,
        autoWidth: true,
                items: 1,
                autoWidth: false
                items: 1,
                autoWidth: true
                items: 3

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