Connect an existing function to JQuery animation

There is a function in place that changes the background image of a vertical website when a navigation menu item is clicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    $("#bgimg").attr('src',"<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/bg1.jpg");
    return false;

I am trying to add an animation to this function so that the new background image fades in smoothly instead of changing abruptly. I want to achieve the effect using:


However, my JavaScript/jQuery skills are still developing and I'm not sure how to implement this properly.

Answer №1

Wrap your image within a div element and then add the effect to the div itself, as shown below:


<div><img id="bgimg" src="...."></div>


$(function() {
    $("#bgimg").parent().fadeOut(1000, function() {
        $("#bgimg").attr('src',"<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/bg1.jpg");
    return false;

Answer №2

If you want to smoothly fade multiple images at the same time, you can achieve that with the code below:

/* This function is designed to be utilized on 'img' tags. It has been enhanced to accommodate more than one image for transitioning purposes. The first image should be in the options argument, while the subsequent images are provided in the more_images argument as a string array in the following format:
 * ["400|1000|apple.png","800|apple2.png", "apple3.png"]
 * Each element in the array consists of pipe-separated values representing delay, duration, and the image source.
 * With 3 elements present, they denote delay|duration|image
 * With 2 elements, they represent duration|image
 * And with only one element, it signifies the image itself. The default delay is zero and the default duration is 800 
 * If you intend to transition between just two images without additional animations, you can ignore the more_images argument.
 * External scripts can check if an animation is currently running by verifying the presence of the attribute data-anim in the parent div of the animated img element. This feature is valuable for external scripts to determine when transitions have concluded (e.g., within a setinterval call)*/
jQuery.fn.transictionto = function(options, more_images) {
      var settings = jQuery.extend({
   }, options || {});
   //wrap into div if no div is present.
   $(this).each(function() {
      if ($(this).parent('div').length == 0) {
      //mark to check if animation is in being done
      //now swap with background trick
         .css('background-image', 'url(' + settings.destinationImage + ')')
         .css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat')
      .fadeOut(settings.duration, function() {
         this.src = settings.destinationImage;
         if (more_images != null && more_images.length) {
             var im = more_images.shift().split('|');//shift shrinks array
             var dly = im.length == 3 ? parseInt(im[0],10) : 0;
             var drt = im.length > 1 ? parseInt(im[im.length-2],10) : 800;
             $(this).delay(dly).transictionto({ destinationImage: im[im.length-1], duration: drt }, more_images);
         } else {

$(function() {
        destImage = "<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/bg1.jpg";
        $("#bgimg").transictionto({ destinationImage: destImage, duration: 800 });
        return false;

This time, ensure the transictionto() function is invoked on the img element.

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