The CSS code seems to be ineffective when attempting to center elements with a specific width in react.js

Hey everyone, I'm currently working on developing a web application using react-bootstrap and I've encountered an issue with adjusting the width of my row and centering it. I have already created the necessary CSS and JS files, but I am unable to successfully center the row. Interestingly, when I transferred my code to codesandbox, everything worked perfectly fine. Does anyone have any insights into why this might be happening?

Here is my code snippet:

<Container fluid>
    <Row className="roomfac fontReg">
        <Col lg={3} className="text-center">
            <img src="./Images/logofridge.png" alt="Logo 1"/>
            <h3 className="fontSB">Fridge</h3>

        <Col lg={3} className="text-center">
            <img src="./Images/logoAC.png" alt="Logo 2"/>
            <h3 className="fontSB">AC</h3>

        <Col lg={3} className="text-center">
            <img src="./Images/logowifi2.png" alt="Logo 3"/>
           <h3 className="fontSB">Wifi</h3>

        <Col lg={3} className="text-center">
            <img src="./Images/logotv.png" alt="Logo 4"/>
            <h3 className="fontSB">TV</h3>

This is how I have styled my elements in CSS:

.roomfac {
    display: flex;
    width: 60%;
    justify-content: center;
    margin: auto;

Answer №1

Confirmed to be functional on both Chrome and Edge. Double check the correct inclusion of your CSS files or consider utilizing inline CSS within JSX.

<Row style={{display:"flex",width: "60%",margin: "auto",justifyContent: "center"}} className="fontReg">

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