Showcasing all elements of an xml through jquery while implementing a filter

Trying to implement a filter on XML using jQuery. The filtered results are showing based on the condition, but facing difficulty in displaying all XML items when the flag is set to 0; meaning that when the flag is zero, all XML items should be displayed without any filtering.

JS script:
$(xml).find("TechJobSite").filter(function () {
if(jobFlagview==0) // Issue here - Need to remove the filter to show all job lists
return ;
else if(jobFlagview==1) // My Jobs 
return $(this).find("AssignedRepairerUserName").text() == userId;
else if(jobFlagview==2) // Review
return $(this).find("Status").text() == "Draft";
}).each(function () {

Answer №1

Make sure to always return true instead of just using the return statement.

return true;

If you prefer not to trigger the filter, simply avoid calling the filter() method like this:

var $elements = $(xml).find("TechJobSite");
if (flagCheck != 0) {
    $elements = $elements.filter(function () {
        if (flagCheck == 1) //My Jobs 
        return $(this).find("AssignedRepairerUserName").text() == userId;
        else if (flagCheck == 2) //Review
        return $(this).find("Status").text() == "Draft";
$elements.each(function () {})

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