Troubleshooting issues with IE conditional statements

I am struggling with incorporating 3 different stylesheets for Internet Explorer versions IE6, IE7, and the standard style.css. This is what I currently have:

Unfortunately, tools like browserlab, ietester, and browsershots are not recognizing my conditional statements properly, causing both IE6 and IE7 to ignore the specific stylesheets and load the main one instead.

*edit: For those wondering why it's not displaying correctly, please check out the live link here:

Answer №1

It is important to prioritize the main stylesheet over conditionals for optimal performance.

Answer №2

My experience is limited to IETester, however it has been observed that when there are multiple instances of Internet Explorer installed or active on a single system, conditional comments will be interpreted based on the highest version of IE present on the system.

Answer №3

It all comes down to the tags you choose for the ie6 and ie7 versions. My suggestion is to prioritize loading the style.css file first. From there, only include tags in the ie6 and ie7 that specifically modify a tag to ensure it functions properly in those browsers.

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