Create a concise shorthand representation for margins when styling with jss using Material-UI's theme object

When styling the component, I found a way to apply the margin in a specific manner.


const styles = theme => ({
    button: {
        margin: '12px 18px',

However, I wanted to utilize material-ui's theme.spacing.unit for applying the margin to the component. Here is how I attempted it:


const styles = theme => ({
    button: {
        margin: '`${theme.spacing.unit * 3}` `${theme.spacing.unit * 4}`',

Unfortunately, my attempts have not been successful. If anyone can identify my mistakes, please let me know!

Answer №1

It is necessary to indicate the unit:

const styles = theme => ({
    button: {
        margin: `${theme.spacing.unit * 3}px ${theme.spacing.unit * 4}px`,

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