Troubleshooting: Issue with CSS chaining adjacent sibling and :checked functionality

When I click the second radio button in Chrome, why does paragraph 2 stay highlighted and paragraph 4 doesn't get highlighted? Is this a bug with Chrome?

<input type="radio" name="toggler" checked />
<p>Paragraph one</p>
<p>Paragraph two</p>
<input type="radio" name="toggler" />
<p>Paragraph three</p>
<p>Paragraph four</p>


:checked + p + p {
  color: red;

Answer №1

It seems like your issue is similar to the one discussed in this post:

Dealing with Webkit bug involving `:hover` and multiple adjacent-sibling selectors

A simple workaround is to include :checked ~ p {} (even if it's empty) and it should resolve the problem:

Link to Example Code

Answer №2

It's interesting how the behavior is affected by the relationship between the <p> and input elements, with one being siblings and not children of the other. I found a workaround where you wrap each input and p block in a div, and then use the ~ selector...

Here's the CSS:

input:checked ~ p + p {
        color: red;

And here's the HTML:

<input type="radio" name="accordion" checked />
<p>Paragraph one</p>
    <p>Paragraph two</p>
    <input type="radio" name="accordion" />
    <p>Paragraph three</p>
<p>Paragraph four</p>

Check out the demo here.


I noticed that adding this CSS to the original HTML also makes it work. The second selector style being empty doesn't seem to affect it, though...

input:checked + p + p {
        color: red;


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