Troubleshooting a JQuery accordion malfunction within a table

I am populating the data dynamically.

However, the Accordion feature is not functioning correctly.

JSFiddle link

Please note: I am unable to modify the HTML structure.

Current table

Desired output

The first accordion should display child elements upon clicking.

The second accordion should also display child elements upon clicking.

Where could I be making a mistake?


    /* first parent */ 
                 <a href="#">
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
              <td><a href="#">Profit</a></td>

    /* first child */ 
           <tr class="parentTR">
                 <a href="#" >
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
                    Business - 1

    /* second child */ 
           <tr class="parentTR">
                 <a href="#">
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
                    Business - 2
/* second parent*/ 
                 <a href="#">
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
              <td><a href="#">Loss</a></td>

    /* first child of second parent */ 
           <tr class="parentTR">
                 <a href="#" >
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
                    Business - 1

    /* second child of second parent */ 
           <tr class="parentTR">
                 <a href="#">
                    <div id="accordion"></div>
                    Business - 2


$(function () {
    //  Accordion Panels
    $("a .accordion ").click(function () {

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

To locate the desired element, you should first navigate to the parent tr and then use .next() to access its sibling.


Check out this Fiddle for more details

Answer №2

To begin, you must first navigate to the main parent element.

$(function () {
    $("a .accordion ").click(function () {

For a working example, check out this Fiddle.

Answer №3

I attempted to solve the issue using this method JSFiddle


     <tr childTRClass="A1">
         <a href="#">
            <div class="accordion"></div>
      <td><a href="#">Profit</a></td>

   <tr class="childTR A1">
         <a href="#" >
            <div class="accordion"></div>
            Business - 1
   <tr class="childTR A1">
         <a href="#">
            <div class="accordion"></div>
            Business - 2

     <tr childTRClass="A2">
         <a href="#">
            <div class="accordion"></div>
      <td><a href="#">Loss</a></td>

   <tr class="childTR A2">
         <a href="#" >
            <div class="accordion"></div>
            Business - 1
   <tr class="childTR A2">
         <a href="#">
            <div class="accordion"></div>
            Business - 2



  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('a .accordion').click(function() {
        var openTRClass = $(this).closest('tr').attr('childTRClass');
       $("."+ openTRClass).slideToggle("slow")
               if($('.active').length > 0)


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