Properly aligning text with checkboxes using HTML/CSS and tags like <span> or <div>

My goal is to have the text displayed as a block in alignment with the checkbox, adjusting based on the sidebar's width.

For reference:

Current Layout

Preferred Layout

I have shared the code on CodePen (taking into account screen resolution and width). I've made several attempts including changing from to , and applying inline styling like "float left". The switch from to can be managed within JavaScript under "this.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<body ng-app="bin">

  <div ng-controller="DemoCtrl as demo">
    <h3>Custom Node Templates</h3>
    <div style=width:224px>
      <div ivh-treeview="demo.stuff"

  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
var stuff = [
                label: "Sales",
                selected: false,
                children: [
                    label: "Sales Program",
                    selected: false,
                    children: [
                        label: "Commercial Dealer Fleet Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "Courtesy Car Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "VIP & Employee Purchase Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "Policies",
                        selected: false
                    label: "Customer Rebate Programs",
                    selected: false,
                    children: [
                        label: "Commercial Dealer Fleet Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "Courtesy Car Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "VIP & Employee Purchase Program",
                        selected: false
                        label: "Policies",
                        selected: false
                label: "Fleet",
                selected: false

var app = angular.module('bin', ['ivh.treeview']);

app.config(function(ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider) {

   defaultSelectedState: false,
   validate: true,
   expandToDepth: -1

app.controller('DemoCtrl', function() {
  this.stuff = stuff;

  this.tpl = `
  <div title="{{trvw.label(node)}}" >       
    <span ivh-treeview-toggle >
      <span ivh-treeview-twistie>
    <span ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox  >
    <span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-toggle   >
    <div ivh-treeview-children></div>

  this.customTreeViewOpts = {
    // useCheckboxes: false
    // twistieLeafTpl: ""
    twistieExpandedTpl: '<span class="fas fa-minus-square"></span>',
    twistieCollapsedTpl: '<span class="fas fa-plus-square"></span>',
    twistieLeafTpl: '<span class="fas fa-minus-square" style=" visibility: hidden;"></span>'
    // nodeTpl: "..."
    // onToggle: this.awesomeCallback

Answer №1

Make sure to group the twisty, checkbox, and label together in a container with the display:flex property, while keeping the ivh-treeview-children directive separate as a sibling.

Check out the updated code sample on CodePen:

Here's the revised node template snippet:

<div title="{{trvw.label(node)}}">       
  <div style="display:flex">
    <span ivh-treeview-toggle >
      <span ivh-treeview-twistie>
    <span ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox  >
    <span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-toggle>
  <div ivh-treeview-children></div>

Take a look at the screenshot of the result here:

Answer №2

To enhance the layout of the checkboxes within the node wrappers, one potential method involves adding padding to the wrappers and adjusting with a negative margin on the checkbox contents. An additional wrapper (.tree-node-adjusted-wrapper) was introduced along with a class to the outer div (.tree-node-adjusted). This technique may be considered somewhat unconventional, and the pixel offsets could potentially be calculated based on ems or another font-related metric.

Customized Template

  this.tpl = `
  <div title="{{trvw.label(node)}}" class="tree-node-adjusted" >  
    <div class="tree-node-adjusted-wrapper">
    <span ivh-treeview-toggle >
      <span ivh-treeview-twistie>
    <span ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox  >
    <span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-toggle   >
    <div ivh-treeview-children></div>

The Styling (LESS snippet used in Codepen demonstration):

.ivh-treeview .tree-node-adjusted {

  .tree-node-adjusted-wrapper {
    padding-left: 40px;

    & > span:nth-child(1) {
      margin-left: -40px;

Explore a working example in Codepen

(An alternate solution might involve positioning the nodes with relative placement along with left padding, and employing absolute positioning for the checkboxes – potentially offering greater precision).

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