Transition/transform/translate3d in CSS3 may lead to significant flickering on the initial or final "frame" of the transition (specifically on an iPad)

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a web application specifically for the iPad and I have implemented a CSS3 transition to animate a div, moving it from left to right.

Here is the structure of my class:

.mover {
    -webkit-transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;

Upon clicking a button, the following code is executed:

var newPosition = "translate3d(" + newPosition + "px, 0, 0)";
$('.mover ').css('-webkit-transform', s);

The animation works perfectly fine except for one issue – there is a noticeable flicker the first time the user triggers the transition.

Although I understand that using translate3d may not be necessary since I am only shifting the div horizontally, I believe it forces GPU acceleration on the iPad. Can someone confirm this for me?

Thank you in advance!


To clarify about the "flicker" issue – through various experiments with CSS3 transitions on the iPad, I consistently observe a distinct flicker at the beginning or end of the animations.

In essence, the transitions themselves are extremely smooth. However, depending on specific settings, there is a visible flicker just before or after the transition occurs.

For instance, when working with three stacked PNG images, the bottom image has an opacity of 1.0, while the top two have an opacity of 0.0. Utilizing -webkit-keyframes, I achieve seamless fading transitions in between the photos. Yet, as the animation concludes, the bottom photo experiences a brief flicker. It appears as if the browser needs to redraw/re-render the screen, resulting in a slight delay.

This flickering greatly impacts the overall effect and renders the transitions unusable. While barely noticeable on my iMac, it is prominent on the iPad.

Answer №1

I encountered a similar issue and managed to find the solution right here on Stack Overflow: iPhone WebKit CSS animations cause flicker

The fix is quite straightforward:

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

and possibly

-webkit-perspective: 1000;

Add these to each animated object. It resolved the problem for me, hopefully it works for you too.

Answer №2


While I cannot guarantee that this solution is foolproof (especially since the flicker itself can be quite unpredictable), based on personal experience, it appears to address the issue...

Here's what worked for me:

.mover {
    -webkit-transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;

var s = "translate3d(" + newPosition + "px, 0, 0)";
$('.mover ').css('-webkit-transform', s);

Upon initial execution, I noticed a flicker before the animation kicked in. However, subsequent calls ran smoothly without any hiccups.

My interpretation was that setting the 3d coordinates prior to initiating the animation helped eliminate the flicker. The first call establishes these coordinates, ensuring seamless animations with subsequent calls.

Therefore, I made sure to set the 3d coordinates of the element at the beginning (during initialization) before triggering any animations.

By taking this approach, any 3d animations now start from established coordinates, effectively preventing flickering.

While I can't guarantee universal success, this method has proven effective for my current projects.

Best of luck!

Answer №3

Our team managed to eliminate various issues with flickering and fonts by adjusting the viewport settings.

In the past, we encountered problems with content extending beyond the screen (a sliding div), causing the device to struggle when the viewport was not stable. It had difficulty handling data outside the visible area while dealing with the zoom feature of the displayed content.

Adding this meta tag in the head section proved to be the solution to our challenges.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">

Answer №4

Give it a shot

.mover {
    -webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0.4s ease-in-out;

However, my understanding is that this compels the iPad to utilize GPU acceleration

Both translate() and translate3d() generate stacking context and could potentially utilize layers - texture buffers in relation to GPU. Thus, I believe they may not have a significant impact on acceleration.

Answer №5

div { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }

Upon observation, I found that when adding a hover state to a div, the page would flicker inexplicably, even without any attached CSS or JS. Without seeing your HTML code, this tip might be useful in resolving the issue.

Answer №6

After struggling with a similar issue, I attempted all of the suggestions provided in this thread. What finally resolved the problem for me was realizing that the z-index values of the elements were causing the flickering.

In my case, I had three panes arranged in a specific way: one flat middle pane flanked by two angled ones like this \_/. The middle pane kept flickering because its z-index was either equal to or higher than the side panels. Once I moved it to the bottom on the z-axis, the flickering completely disappeared.

Just wanted to share in case anyone else encounters the same issue.

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