Styling the checked state of a switch in NativeScript/Angular with ngModel/FormBuilder

Let's explore the styling of a switch element within Angular:

<Switch class="switch" formControlName="answer"></Switch>

One approach involves targeting the switch with checked attribute, setting its background-color and text color accordingly. However, this method may lead to unexpected results after the initial activation.

.switch[checked=true] {
  background-color: #FE4A49;
  color: #FE4A49;

Alternatively, applying styles directly to the switch element can result in consistent appearance regardless of its state:

.switch {
  background-color: #FE4A49;
  color: #FE4A49;

So, what is the best practice for styling a switch while utilizing Angular's model bindings?

Answer №1

Currently, I am working on designing an App and here is how I plan to style it.


  color:#ff0048 ;
  background-color: white;
  transform: scale(1.25, 1.25); // This will adjust the size when checked
  transform: translate(-5,0); // This will help maintain the position after resizing

  color: gray;
  background-color: gray;

Below is my XML code snippet:

`<Switch id="userStatus" checked="false" />`

I trust this information proves to be useful!

Answer №2

There was an issue I encountered with a switch element


where it wasn't functioning as intended. Modifying the background-color ended up changing the entire switch (the gray section). Consequently, I had to only adjust the color attribute:

Switch[checked=true] {
    color: #f68533;

Answer №3

.button-unpressed {
    background-color: #FE4A49;
    color: yellow;

.button-pressed {
    background-color: blue;
    color: green;

Incorporate the following code into your design

<Button #btn pressed="false" (pressChange)="buttonStateChanged(btn.pressed)" [class]="isPressed?'button-pressed':'button-unpressed'"></Button>

Implement this code snippet in your functionality


 buttonStateChanged(pressed) {
        this.isPressed = pressed;

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