Display a preview of a React component

Currently facing a challenge where I need to create a form for users to adjust the title, background color, button background, text color, and other settings of a component. I want to provide a live preview of the component as the user makes changes.

I envision displaying a scaled-down "preview" of the component next to the form so that users can see how their style adjustments are affecting the overall look. The legibility of the text in the preview is not critical; the primary goal is to give users an idea of how their changes will impact the final result.

The basic concept is to have a form for adjusting settings and a corresponding zoomed-out preview of the component alongside.

Open to suggestions and ideas on how best to achieve this visual feedback for users.

Appreciate any insights!

Answer №1

Is it possible to utilize CSS transform scale in this case?

This could be a potential solution

const Stylish = styled.div`
  ${props => props.preview && `
    transform: scale(0.5);

Check out the code example here

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