Transition delays in Tailwind CSS when dark mode is activated

My dark mode toggle is functioning with the following CSS:

:root {
    --primary: var(--white);

.dark {
    --primary: var(--black);

However, when I include the following code:

* {
  @apply transition-colors duration-700;

The background colors of my divs transition smoothly, but there is a delay of about a second in the color transition of the text, which doesn't look good. Why is this happening and how can I solve this issue?

UPDATE: You can see this issue in action here:

Answer №1

Encountered a similar issue, resolved it by specifically defining text colors for all elements.


<p class="">Interested in diving deeper into Tailwind?</p>


<p class="text-black dark:text-white">Interested in diving deeper into Tailwind?</p>

View the corrected example

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