Transforming a Fixed Bootstrap Site into a Mobile-Friendly Design

I am facing an issue with my bootstrap website as it is not responsive to different view sizes. I would like to make it responsive but I am unsure of how to do so. Additionally, I am using LESS to modify the twitter bootstrap css. Currently, my site is structured like this..

<div id="wrapper">
      <div class="container">
         <div class="row">
            <div class="span12">
               <!-- LOGO HERE -->
   <div id="main-content" class="container">
      <div class="row">
         <div class="span8">
            <!-- My content -->
         <div class="span4">
            <!-- My content too -->

Furthermore, the website was designed for a width of 940px. When making it responsive, I want to limit the maximum page width to 940px instead of 1200px and still keep my div.wrapper centered on the page.

I hope all of this makes sense!

Answer №1

If you want to enable a responsive layout, simply include the code below within the <head> section of your HTML document:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet">

You may need to adjust the path to the CSS file based on your project structure, especially if you are using the .less source files.

In your responsive.less file, make sure to either comment out or delete the line that reads:

@import "responsive-1200px-min.less";

This adjustment will ensure that your website is optimized for smaller screen sizes while maintaining a maximum width of 940px for the main content container.

Answer №2

To make the design fluid, replace .container with .container-fluid and .row with .row-fluid. Here is an example for reference: Remember that using the .row-fluid class will reset the width counter for span*. This means that the width specified by span* under .row-fluid is based on the percentage width of its parent (.row-fluid).

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