Switching the color of links when they are focused, without changing it when they are clicked by either a mouse or

Is there a way to change the color of a link only when a user navigates to it using the TAB key and not when they click on it? The simple CSS solution I found was:

a:focus { color: red; }

However, this also changes the color when the link is activated by clicking on it. How can I prevent this while still maintaining the desired behavior with the TAB key?

I attempted to use the following code:

a:focus{ color: red; }
a:active{ color: blue; }

Initially, this set the link color to blue but then quickly switched it to red.

Since I need this functionality for all links on my site without resorting to complex JavaScript, I am looking for a pure CSS solution. Any ideas or suggestions?

Update: I also experimented with:

a:active:focus{ color: blue; }

This was an attempt to capture the "focused" and "active" states simultaneously in order to override the focus CSS. However, this approach did not work as intended.

Answer №1

An issue arises with the sequence of the rules.


The Focus rule must be placed at the end. I have tested this adjustment and it functions effectively.

Answer №2

You can experiment with the :visited pseudo-class in CSS.


Answer №3

It seems that achieving this solely with CSS is not possible.

By clicking a link, you are essentially giving it focus.

A potential solution could involve incorporating a small jQuery script to assign a click handler to all of your links, causing the focus to blur immediately after clicking?

$(function () {
    $('a').on('click', function() {

To view a demonstration, check out the jsfiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/6sujjuvn/

In the provided fiddle example, you'll notice that once a new tab or window is opened, the previously clicked link on the original page loses focus

Answer №4

Did you attempt the following:

a:hover{ color: default; }

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