Top-to-Bottom Border Vanishing

I have a div that has a left border with the following style: border-left: 3px solid #F90;

Now, I want the border to fade out gradually from top to bottom, going from full opacity at the top to completely transparent at the bottom. However, my attempt using a linear gradient did not produce the desired effect.

border-left: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,153,0,1), rgba(255,153,0,0));

UPDATE: It seems that this type of fading can be achieved by using a background image on an <hr> element, applied from left to right.

Answer №1

It's questionable whether your desired result will be achieved by experimenting with that method. My recommendation would be to generate a 3px wide <div> positioned on the left side of your primary <div>, then apply a gradient style to the narrow <div>'s background.

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