Title slide on quarto featuring a captivating full coverage background image with a sleek row of icons at the bottom

I am currently working on creating a title slide for a reveal.js presentation in Rstudio using quarto. My goal is to have a background image covering the entire slide and include one or more small icons at the bottom (specifically on this slide only). I have been experimenting with modifying this approach suggested for xaringan, but unfortunately, I have not achieved the desired outcome. Below you can see my .qmd YAML and css:

title: "Test Presentation"
author: "Name"
    embed-resources: true
    css: css/slides.css
editor: source


.title-slide {
  background-image: url(https://placeholder.pics/svg/100),
  background-position: 2% 98%, center;
  background-size: 100px, cover;

I also attempted changing the title-slide-attributes in order to add multiple images, but I was unable to find the correct syntax.

In response to @shafee's suggestion below, I experimented with:

title: "Test Presentation"
author: "Name"
    theme: night
    embed-resources: true
      data-background-image: "https://placeholder.pics/svg/100,https://picsum.photos/id/870/800/600?grayscale"
      data-background-size: 100px, cover
      data-background-position: 2% 98%, center
editor: source

The problem arises when I separate reveal.js on its own line to include additional details like embed-resources. In this case, only the icon appears on the title slide. If I change the order of these, the background image displays (in color rather than grayscale) but the icon disappears. This issue persists regardless of whether the title-slide-attributes block is indented or not.

Answer №1

To implement the same feature for Quarto revealjs presentations, you can utilize the title-slide-attributes option.

Simply provide the image paths in a string (comma separated).

title: "Test Presentation"
author: "Name"
format: revealjs
  data-background-image: "https://placeholder.pics/svg/100,https://picsum.photos/id/870/800/600?grayscale"
  data-background-size: 100px, cover
  data-background-position: 2% 98%, center

## Quarto

Quarto allows you to combine content and executable code to create a polished presentation.

## Bullets

After clicking the **Render** button, a document will be generated containing:

-   Markdown-authored content
-   Execute code output


Answer №2

Special thanks to @shafee for resolving this issue. It turns out that the embed-resources feature is not compatible with a complex title slide. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for me to present at conferences as they require a single file for sharing and presenting purposes. While I'm unsure if this is a bug or a deliberate design choice, it's something that the quarto/posit developers should take into consideration.

On the bright side, in the short term, this solution works great. Thank you for your assistance!

title: "Test Presentation"
author: "Name"
    theme: night
    scrollable: true
    echo: true
    incremental: false 
    code-fold: true
    code-overflow: scroll
    embed-resources: false
      data-background-image: "https://placeholder.pics/svg/100, https://placeholder.pics/svg/100,https://placeholder.pics/svg/100, https://picsum.photos/id/870/800/600?grayscale"
      data-background-size: 100px, 100px, 100px, cover
      data-background-position: "2% 98%, 50% 98%, 98% 98%, center"
editor: source

As a result, you can see the final output here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/qQ6Rd.png

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