Tips for customizing the scrollbar design in iOS Safari

Task at hand requires me to customize the scrollbar style on my HTML page. Below is the CSS code I am using:

.txt_Content::-webkit-scrollbar {
.txt_Content::-webkit-scrollbar-button    {
    display: none;
.txt_Content::-webkit-scrollbar-track     {
.txt_Content::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
    border: 1px solid #c5b481;

    border: 1px solid #c5b481;
.txt_Content::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
.txt_Content::-webkit-resizer  {
    display: none;

Here's an example of how I'm implementing it in my HTML:

<div class="txt_border">
    <img src="../image/txt_border2.png">
    <ul class="txt_Content">
        <li class="biaoqian">

The custom scrollbar looks great in Chrome on Mac and Android devices:

However, it does not work on iPhone:

Could there be an issue with my code? Or perhaps mobile Safari does not support CSS3?

Answer №1

Interestingly, WKWebView does not support styling scrollbars according to canIuse

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