Tips on how to pass properties as arguments to mixins

Here is the code I have:

mox(first, second)
  {first} second

  mox(transition, 0.3s linear all)

I want to call the mixin like this:

mox(transition 0.3s linear all)

If we modify mox, it would look like this:


  mox transition 0.3s linear all

Answer №1

Utilize Stylus and take advantage of the arguments keyword when working with functions. This feature allows you to loop through each argument that is supplied.

Answer №2

To achieve your desired outcome, it is necessary to utilize interpolation.

Rather than the conventional method of


  mox transition 0.3s linear all

Consider trying

mox(prop, args)
  {prop} args

  mox('transition', 0.3s linear all)

Test it out on Try Stylus

You also have the option to exclude parentheses

mox(prop, args)
  -webkit-{prop} args
  {prop} args

  mox 'transition', 0.3s linear all

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