Tips for adjusting the dimensions of my chart using JavaScript or Jquery

Utilizing DevExtreme widgets for the creation of a line chart in jQuery as shown below:

                var dataSource = [{"Date Range": "August-2018",
                Benelux: 194,
                Czech_Slovakia: 128,
                // more data...
                UKI: 249}];

                var chart = $("#chart").dxChart({
                    palette: "Soft Blue",
                    // more configurations...

                <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
                <script src=""></script>
                <script src=""></script>
                <div id="chart"></div>

Everything is functioning correctly, but I aim to enhance the readability of the Y axis by enlarging the chart size.

I attempted to adjust the height using $("#chart").height("1800px"); in jQuery and CSS, however, it didn't override the default values.

I suspect utilizing the tick option to modify the Y-axis scale could be the solution, such as changing from 0,200,400... to 0,50,100..., but implementing this change has not been successful so far.

Your assistance on this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

The DevExtreme source you referenced contains documentation for both of the options you are seeking.

If you want to adjust the axis interval size, remember that valueAxis should be treated as a single object, not an array of objects:

valueAxis: { tickInterval: 50}

You can find more information about this on the following page:

To adjust the chart size, utilize the size object which allows properties for height and width customization:

size: { height:1800}

For further details, visit:

I've provided an example using your code with the desired axis increment set to 50 and a height of 1800px in this CodePen link:

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