Tips on effectively utilizing CSS sprites without a border on images

I am currently working on optimizing my website by using sprite images.

The image I am using is in png format and looks like this:

Here is a snippet of my CSS code:

.bg-upperbar_1 {
    width: 55px; height: 55px;
    background: url('../../assets/img/home/spritesheet.png') -10px -10px;

And this is the relevant part of my HTML code:

<a class="home-upperbar home-top" href="<?php echo site_url('products/collection_watches'); ?>">
<img class="bg-upperbar_1">

However, when I try to load the page, I encounter a border around the image, even though it is in png format, like this:

Can anyone help me troubleshoot and solve this issue?

Answer №1

The reason for the border appearing is due to the missing src attribute on your <img> tag. To use a sprite sheet as a background image, you need to attach it to the <a> tag.

.bg-upperbar_1 {
    width: 43px;
    height: 45px;
    background: url( -47px -42px;

<a class="home-upperbar home-top bg-upperbar_1" href="<?php echo site_url('products/collection_watches'); ?>">

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