Tips on customizing a row in a table

Having a small issue styling a row in my table. Essentially, the table consists of 4 rows.

a) If the data under column Title 5 is below 0, then the entire row should display in red color.

b) If the data under column Title 5 is equal to 17, then the complete row should be in orange color.

c) All other rows should NOT have any specific color.

Most of it is functioning correctly. However, I have encountered an issue:

If a row does not have any assigned color, I still want to ensure the check icon is green.

Here is the code that is currently working:


<p-panel  class="a-panel-checkIn" header='Compliance Tracking' [toggleable]="true" [collapsed]="isPanelCollapsed" [style]="{ height: '100%' }">
  <p-table [value]="complianceTracking" [columns]="cols" selectionMode="single">
  <ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
    <th *ngFor="let col of columns">
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
  <tr [ngClass]="rowData.field5 < 0 ? 'a-danger-row' : (rowData.field5 === 17) ? 'a-yellow-row' : 'a-green-row'">
    <td *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngClass]="rowData[col.field] === '' ? 'a-check-icon' : ''">

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the second ng-template in your app.template.html, try substituting the code below:

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
  <tr [ngClass]="rowData.field5 < 0 ? 'a-danger-row' : (rowData.field5 === 17) ? 'a-yellow-row' : ''">
    <!-- <td *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngClass]="rowData[col.field] === '' ? 'a-check-icon' : ''"> -->
    <td *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngClass]="rowData[col.field] === '' ? ((rowData.field5 > 0 && rowData.field5 !== 17) ? 'a-check-icon a-green-check' : 'a-check-icon' ) : ''">

To enhance your styling, add this new rule in your styles.css:

.a-green-check {
   color: #A8CF45;

Check out the Plunkr for the live demo.

We hope this modification aligns with your requirements.

Answer №2

Revise your template with the following changes:

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
  <tr [ngClass]="rowData.field5 < 0 ? 'a-danger-row' : (rowData.field5 === 17) ? 'a-yellow-row' : ''">
    <td *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngClass]="rowData[col.field] === '' ? 'a-check-icon' : ''" class="{{col.field=='field6' && rowData.field5!==17 && rowData.field5>0  ? 'a-green-row':''}}">


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