HTML links have been disabled

I have been making updates to the charity website I manage, You can view the revamp progress here: (please note that this is not live code, it is simply for my boss to see the progress and does not need to be kept secret, hence why I am sharing it here)

My issue: all links in the footer (starting from id "bodyfooter" downwards, including anything below the "Partners/Thanks" section) have somehow been disabled. I have checked the code thoroughly but cannot figure out why this is happening.

This problem occurs in: Firefox 3.6.8 Chrome 5.0.375.127 & 6.0.472.53 (just upgraded as I was typing this)

but not in: IE 8.0.7600.16385 (or its compatibility mode)

Answer №1

There is a z-index:-1 applied to #bodyfooter. This can be found in main.css on line 182.

Please consider removing this or adjusting it to 0.

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