Tips on assigning a reference to an element that has not been rendered yet

I've created a login page with a button labeled "Watch the video". When the button is clicked, it hides and reveals a video player. My goal now is to automatically start playing the video once it's displayed without requiring an extra play button click. I've tried using refs but can't seem to set the ref for the video element properly. Is there a way to set refs for elements that are not rendered in componentDidUpdate? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Here's my code:

export default class NewLoginPage extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.vidRef = React.createRef();
    this.state = {
      showVideo: false
  handleVideoClick = () => {
    this.setState({ showVideo: true });
  handleCloseClick = () =>{
    this.setState({ showVideo: false })
  render() {
    let language_labels = labels["english_labels"]
    return (
      <div className="container-fluid no-padding">
        <div className="new-login-div">
          <AppBar className="app-bar">
            <Toolbar className="tool-bar">
              <img src={pmiLogo} />
          <Grid container>
            <Grid item xs={4}>
              <h1 className="welcome-heading">Self Service Portal</h1>
                  style: {
                    color: "#fff",
                    paddingLeft: "5px"
              <br />
              <Button className="login-btn" endIcon={<ArrowForwardIcon />}>Log In</Button>
            <Grid item xs={8}>
              <div className="video-div">
                {this.state.showVideo && <div>
                 <IconButton className="close-btn" onClick={(event) => this.handleCloseClick()}>
                   <CloseIcon />
                 <video ref={ref => { this.vidRef = ref }} width="500" height="285" controls className="video-container">
                   <source src={exampleVid} type="video/mp4" />
                   Your browser does not support the video tag.
               {!this.state.showVideo && <div className="intro-div">
                 <h5 className="intro-text">
                   Supporting the vitality and survival of US small businesses—who employ nearly half of the American workforce—is especially critical now. Let’s not forget just how essential they are.
                   startIcon={<PlayArrowIcon className="play-icon" />} onClick={(event) => this.handleVideoClick()}
                   Watch video
                 <br />
                   startIcon={<ChevronRightIcon className="play-icon" />}>

Answer №1

With React, the ref property allows access to a DOM element's reference.
However, if the element is not rendered, the DOM element is not created or deleted.
Therefore, you cannot obtain a reference to something that does not exist.

Answer №2

To achieve this, you can simply add the autoplay html property to your <video> tag without needing a ref. Find more information on autoplay here

Trying to use a ref on an element that hasn't been rendered yet, as explained by Anton in his response, will result in ref.current being null.

It's recommended to separate the logic for the video component from the login component. Not only does this solve the issue (keeping the this.state.showVideo condition in the parent component), but it also aligns with React best practices. For more insights, check out this article.

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