Tips for modifying layout and concealment of content when using window.print()

Currently, on my web application, the vendor is able to print the invoice using windows.print(). However, in the print preview, it displays a screenshot of the current page. The vendor has specific printed paper with their own details and some blank space reserved for printing text only. I am looking for a way to print only the text on this sheet without any styles or tables.

Is there a method to achieve this, such as through media queries or another technique?

Thank you

Answer №1

To easily solve this issue, consider implementing a print CSS file or query:

@media print {
   .styledContent {
/* Additionally, make sure to reset the styles of other elements */

Answer №2

To customize the styles based on your needs, try using the @media print feature. This can be applied within the existing CSS class or in a standalone CSS file for more flexibility.

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