Tips on altering CSS attributes within Magnific Popup

I am currently utilizing the Magnific Popup plugin in my project. The code snippet I have implemented is as shown below:


            items: {

                src: ".hidden-div",
                type: "inline"
            closeBtnInside: true

The challenge I am facing is that the ".hidden-div" section, which I intend to display as a popup, has its CSS display property set to none for initial hiding. However, I wish for it to become visible when the script above is executed and return to being hidden when the popup is closed. Is there a method to dynamically toggle its display property from 'none' to 'block' upon opening the popup and back to 'none' upon closure?

Answer №1

It is recommended to include the mfp-hide CSS class on elements that need to be hidden as per the design. Magnific Popup will handle toggling this class automatically during open and close operations. For more information, please visit:

Answer №2

Currently, this is how it's functioning. I found the API details here


            callbacks: {
                open: function(){

                    $(".hidden-div").css("display", "block");
                close: function(){

                    $(".hidden-div").css("display", "none");

            items: {

                src: ".hidden-div",
                type: "inline"
            closeBtnInside: true

Hopefully, others will find this information useful too! On a side note, really impressed with this plugin!

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