Tips for wrapping the content of a <span> element within a <td> element

Can someone help me figure out how to wrap the content of a <span> tag that is inside a <td>? The style I have applied doesn't seem to be working.

Here's the code snippet:

<td style="white-space:nowrap;border:1px solid black">
<span style="display:block;white-space:pre-line;word-wrap:break-word;">
    Series of 2 or more paragraphs

I want to point out that I need to apply this style without setting a specific width property since the width is determined dynamically by the user.

Answer №1

Within html, the span element serves the purpose of containing text content exclusively. Despite this limitation, it is possible to nest html elements within a span. The functionality of word wrapping is contingent upon an element having a specific width specified. Unfortunately, spans are unable to be assigned a fixed width. Therefore, it is advisable to enclose the span within a div that has a defined width in order to enable word wrap solely for that div.

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