Tips for wrapping a div element around another div at the top left corner

I am working with a particular layout.

<div class="comment">
<div class="leftpart">
<div class="rightpart">

When viewing on a desktop, I maintain the original styling where each div is in its own section and nothing is floating inside.

However, on mobile devices, I would like the leftpart to be positioned at the top left of the comment with the right part wrapping around it on the right side, creating a specific structure as follows:

|-------| Right div |
|Left   | right div |
|  div  | right div |
|<auto->| right div |
|-------| right div |
|right div this div |
|<--- 100% width--->|

Is there a way to achieve this responsive layout without making any changes to the existing HTML code?

Answer №1

To manipulate the position of an element on one side, you can utilize the float CSS property. If you float the .leftpart to the left, it will stay in that position and cause the remaining content in the .comment div to wrap around it.

I created a demonstration here:

Does this meet your requirements?

Here is the HTML snippet:

<div class="comment">
    <div class="leftpart"></div>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut neque lacus, imperdiet vitae condimentum a, aliquam ut ante. Vivamus nulla quam, rutrum sit amet augue a, semper gravida eros. Nulla sit amet fermentum est, eget lobortis dui. Cras ut pretium justo. Nunc tortor risus, vulputate nec accumsan id, fermentum vulputate felis. Suspendisse mi quam, molestie sit amet pellentesque lobortis, placerat vel nisi. Ut scelerisque lacus magna, quis volutpat purus vulputate at. Sed volutpat risus sit amet lectus sollicitudin porta. Aenean tempus quis est vitae pretium.</p>

And the corresponding CSS code:

.comment {
.leftpart {
    margin:0 10px 10px 0;

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