Trying to figure out where to find a solution for this. I had the idea of using a semi-transparent Photoshop design as a background and building on top of it, almost like tracing over it. This way, aligning things would be much easier. I remember Microsoft Expression (similar to Dreamweaver) having a feature like this built-in here. For my own project, I simply created a div at the bottom of my code and applied some CSS like so:
#guide {
background-image: url('/BRSS_hm-V3.jpg');
background-position: top;
height: 1500px;
opacity: .20;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
z-index: 1;
width: 100%;
I'm interested to know if anyone else is using a similar approach and what their recommendations are. Is there perhaps a more efficient way to achieve this?