Make sure the text fits perfectly without any extra spaces

When working with CSS/HTML, I noticed that using a simple text within a div without any margin or padding, and specifying a font-size of 36px with a line-height also set to 36px doesn't fit perfectly - there is always some spacing at the top of the line. By reducing the line-height by 20% (to around 29.8), I was able to achieve the desired effect.

I'm curious as to why this happens. Is there something related to browsers that I might be overlooking? I initially thought that setting the line-height equal to the font-size would eliminate any extra spacing around a line.

Update: It turns out that the spacing issue I am experiencing is known as "half-leading". Despite setting the line-height to match the font-size, browsers still calculate half leading which results in some additional spacing.

Update 2: I came across information in the CSS specification detailing line-height: However, I'm still puzzled about how to prevent the inclusion of ascender/descender spacing altogether.

Answer №1

In response to the second update you provided:

It's interesting to note that ascender/descender height varies depending on the font used, with some fonts not even having ascenders or descenders at all, such as all caps monospace fonts. Simply using text-transform: capitalize wouldn't solve this issue if the font doesn't include any characters with ascenders/descenders.

While it may be a bit of a workaround, as you mentioned, it seems like this limitation is more of a feature than a bug in this case.

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