How can I create a box-shaped outline using Three.js?

As someone new to threejs, I have been trying to figure out how to render a transparent box around a symbol in my canvas. The box should only display a border and the width of this border should be customizable.

Currently, I am using wireframe to create a box-like shape but I am unable to increase the width of the wireframe beyond 1. According to the documentation, it is not possible to set wireframeLinewidth to a value greater than 1.

To learn more about this, you can visit .

The current code implementation looks like this:

const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
  color: feature.color,
  opacity: 0.75,
  transparent: true,
  side: THREE.DoubleSide,
  wireframe: true,
  wireframeLinewidth: 1

If anyone knows a way to create a transparent box with a configurable border width in threejs, please share your insights.

Answer №1

Is there a way to create a transparent box-like shape with adjustable border width in threejs?

Using WebGL line primitives will typically result in lines that are only 1px wide. However, it is possible to create wireframes with configurable width. An official example showcasing this technique can be found here:

The THREE.Wireframe class renders its line geometry as triangles, allowing for wider or "fat" lines to be created. By importing the necessary classes like LineMaterial and WireframeGeometry2, you can implement this feature in your project.

three.js R107

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