As someone new to threejs, I have been trying to figure out how to render a transparent box around a symbol in my canvas. The box should only display a border and the width of this border should be customizable.
Currently, I am using wireframe to create a box-like shape but I am unable to increase the width of the wireframe beyond 1. According to the documentation, it is not possible to set wireframeLinewidth to a value greater than 1.
To learn more about this, you can visit .
The current code implementation looks like this:
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: feature.color,
opacity: 0.75,
transparent: true,
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
wireframe: true,
wireframeLinewidth: 1
If anyone knows a way to create a transparent box with a configurable border width in threejs, please share your insights.