Update the CSS dynamically using JavaScript or AngularJS

Is there a way to dynamically modify this CSS style using JavaScript or in an Angular framework?

.ui-grid-row.ui-grid-row-selected > [ui-grid-row] > .ui-grid-cell{
        background-color: transparent;
        color: #0a0;
  .ui-grid-cell-focus {
    outline: 0;
    background-color: transparent;

I have a specific question different from:

Dynamically change a css class' properties with AngularJS

My query pertains to using a ui-grid and default classes applied to rows through the rowSelection gridOption. Rather than conditionally changing the class, I am looking to alter the class's style.

Answer №1

In vanilla Javascript, direct manipulation of a class is not feasible. Nevertheless, you have the ability to modify each element associated with that particular class. This can be achieved through the following code snippet:

var targetElements = document.querySelectorAll(".custom-class-name > [target-element] > .specific-cell");

for (var j = 0; j < targetElements.length; j++) {
    targetElements[j].style.visibility = "hidden"; // making elements invisible
    targetElements[j].classList.add("active-cell"); // appending a new class

It is advisable to consider using ng-class for better implementation.

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